Women serving women and children.
Winter Wardrobe
Helping the women & children at Promise Ridge
Promise Ridge provides temporary housing for women and their children who would otherwise be homeless. It Takes a Village is hosting our 2nd annual Winter Wardrobe to help provide them with coats, boots, and winter gear to get through the cold winter months of East Idaho.
How you can help:
The residents of Promise Ridge have each added what they need to their Amazon wish list. You can purchase any of the coats, boots, or winter gear on the list and they will be delivered right to their door! There are only 2 items left to be purchased!
How Promise Ridge Helps Women
Promise Ridge opened their doors May, 2018, in the last 4 years they have provided temporary housing to 312 people: 121 adults and 191 children. With Promise Ridge's support 97 families were able to move on to permanent housing. While staying at Promise Ridge, women are offered a variety of services including case management, connection to a variety of community resources, and budget education.
Are you in need of assistance?
If you find yourself in a housing crisis and are in need of Promise Ridge and their services, please contact Club Inc at 208-529-4673. Â Â Â The staff there will be able to assist you with getting into the shelter or getting you placed on the waiting list. Â Club Inc. may also know of some resources that might be available in the event Promise Ridge is full.
Promise Ridge Testimonials
"Promise Ridge is an amazing place for families! Here you will find outstanding and understanding staff with open minds and loving hearts. It feels like a warm home where everyone watches out for everyone. The staff and other guests are nothing but kind, helpful and respectful. This is a place where the resources you can access, help that is given, skills that you can build and the connections that are made can make positive life-long impacts for everyone." -current guest
"My stay at Promise Ridge was LIFE CHANGING! From the women I met, the struggles shared, I was able to evaluate my family's needs vs wants. I was able to grow as an individual and as a mother. The Client Manager helped with housing options and guidance to help with past debt relief. I was able to get back home and help my family grow beyond belief." -former guest
"I wouldn't have been able to make it on my own without the support of Promise Ridge." -former guest